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Defense Attorneys

When your freedom is at stake - You hire the best.

If you or somebody you know needs a Top Criminal Defense Attorney contact us now!

State of Michigan

Featured Attorney

Michael Komorn

Trial Attorney


If you are looking for a lawyer to fight to the end then look no further. Michael is your best choice when you need a lawyer whose strategies and appetite to win in the court system are what he lives for. 

He has extensive experience in both trials and the appeals process. Komorn has successfully represented Michigan clients and advised other attorneys, media and politicians in cases involving medical marihuana patients and caregivers, doctors, marijuana possession, drug charges, maintaining a drug house, DUI, criminal charges, criminal enterprise, etc.

His award winning defense firm has opened investigations into several state lab scandals, won a court of appeals case allowing medical marijuana patients on probation to continue consuming cannabis, stopped the state police lab from using blood results to determine THC in the blood for accusations of driving while how and many more.

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Komorn Law PLLC

You don’t make the top 10 list without giving 110%


Criminal Defense


DUI / Drugged Driving


Cannabis Business


When you need a law firm to stop playing defense and go on the offense. Better call Komorn.

1993 to Present

Komorn Law PLLC

Firm Owner
Lead Attorney

Experience Trial Attorney from District, Circuit, Appeals, Michigan Supreme Court and the Federal Court System.


36th District Court

36th District Court
Misdemeanor Defender Office 

Staff Attorney


Bachelor of Arts Degree

Oakland University 


Juris Doctor Degree

University of Detroit


Cleveland State University

Marshal College of Law

Journal of Law and Health Series



Standardized Field Sobriety Training



Criminal Defense

“We have been successfully defending clients in a wide range of criminal offenses, including drug charges, theft, embezzlement, white collar crimes, sex offenses, internet crimes, robbery, misdemeanors, all marijuana and medical marijuana cases and more in both the federal and the state court systems.”

DUI / Traffic

Komorn Law has the experience and knowledge to preserve your rights in the courtroom.

“Our firm aggressively defends all aspects of traffic law, from simple civil infractions to more serious alcohol and drug-related offenses.

Cannabis Counsel and Law

Cannabis medical and recreational laws in Michigan are constantly evolving.

Michael Komorn is one of a few well versed and experienced in defending those charged with any marijuana crime.

Komorn Law also specializes in Cannabis business, consulting and licensing in the State of Michigan

Professional License Restoration

Has your professional license been summarily suspended by LARA?

With over 28 years of experience fighting for our clients in criminal courts all over Michigan we have successfully defended and got licenses for numerous professional occupations reinstated.


I was standing on the edge facing years of prison. I had an attorney who just tried to get me to move on and plea. A plea would have ruined my life, my future, my family and any chance of appeal. I decided to make a call and talk to another attorney just for the heck of it.

Thank god I called Michael after looking around the internet. After talking to him he explained what he was going to do and how the outcome would potentially be.

He said “If you hire me I will fight and it’s going to cost you a little more but I am fair and I will not back down”.

After a lengthy battle my case ended up in the higher courts and through the continuous fight my case was eventually dismissed.

I couldn’t believe it. Michael stood beside me the whole way. Thank you Michael for my future, my family and my freedom.

Worth every dollar and then some.

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AVVO Review

I almost plead until I talked to Mike

If you are looking for an attorney that is going to stand up for you and your rights, truly fight for you and not get bullied by the system, Michael Komorn is your guy, and the Komorn Law Firm is your team.

Michael successfully represented my case for a 2A rights restoration appeal and not only earned his fee, but my gratitude, respect and appreciation.

On the morning of my hearing date, the court docket was loaded and several cases were called prior to mine. I can only speculate that the Judge must have had a rough weekend because on this Monday morning, the atmosphere in the courtroom was intense and adversarial.

I didn’t seem to matter what side of a particular case counsel was on, if you were an attorney in front of this Judge on that morning, you were in for a rough ride.

As cases were called and heard, I began to get an uneasy feeling and anxiety that this was not going to go well for me. True to my suspicions, when my case was called, the Judge came out swinging and Michael immediately seemed to be on the ropes.

Michael couldn’t get two words out in response to any query before the Judge would cut him off and the frustration was beginning to show.

Michael however persisted with what I thought was a professional effort to present the facts and at one point, the Judge even threatened Michael with contempt.

Everything the Judge had asked for during the session was right there in the filling, she just refused to look at it.

The Judge eventually decided to take a pass on ruling the case and I wasn’t quite sure what was going to happen next.

My mind was reeling from the incredulousness of what had just occurred. It felt as if I was in the middle of a day-time TV show.

After about two hours, my case was recalled before the Judge.

In this session, the atmosphere was completely different. The conversation was professional and courteous. Michael was allowed to present the facts as they were provided with the filling and the Judge respectfully allowed them into the record.

Michael skillfully navigated the session to allow my personal testimony to be presented before the Judge. Given this opportunity, I knew this would be my best chance to provide convincing and compelling evidence to the Judge.

Michael pursued a strategic line of questioning that took the testimony right to the heart of the issue.

The evidence and testimony presented represented an overwhelming preponderance and the Judge dutifully ruled in my favor.

I believe justice was served on this day and the “system” worked. Michael and his team stood with me and did not back down in the face of adversity.

Many thanks to Michael and the Komorn Law Firm and to the Judge for doing the right thing. I know things are getting crazy in our world today, however, having faith in GOD and doing the right thing in spite of it all is what will see us through to a better day. MP

Review Link

AVVO Review

You Got to Fight for Your Rights


Random Finds In The News

Rockind Law and Komorn Law jointly file formal complaint against the Michigan State Police Crime Laboratory

Criminal defense attorney Michael Komorn of Southfield-based Komorn Law  was joined by Neil Rockind of Rockind Law in filing a formal complaint against the Michigan State Police Crime Laboratory, citing negligence and incompetence resulting in crime lab “findings, integrity and reliability (that) are in serious doubt.” The complaint was filed with Gerry LaPorte, Director of the National Institute of Justice, Office of Investigative & Forensic Sciences, in Washington, DC

Michigan State Police stops marijuana blood testing over accuracy concerns with results

The Michigan State Police Forensic Science Division announced Friday it has temporarily stopped marijuana blood testing due to an issue discovered with the accuracy of toxicology blood screens for marijuana testing.

Local attorney Michael Komorn says he’s been fighting the state lab about many of his clients’ THC blood test results for years.

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Komorn Law Secures Release Of Lorincz Child From CPS in Marijuana Custody Case

“This is one of those cases in an attorney’s career that is not easily forgotten, and is a reminder to me of the reason I became an attorney.”

– Michael Komorn, attorney from Komorn Law and recipient of the Michigan Bar Association Right to Counsel Award

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Attorneys filed a federal class action lawsuit against the Michigan State Police crime labs this week, claiming its current marijuana reporting policy violates due process and Fourth Amendment rights and demanding it be thrown out for good.

“The fact that it continues to go on,” said Komorn, “it’s an outrage; it’s not science. The Michigan Medical Marijuana [Program] was supposed to be a shield, not a sword.”

Last fall, the MSP Forensic Science Division Director Captain Gregoire Michaud, who quietly retired this May, (and now runs Viridis Labs – A Marijuana Testing Labs bloated with controversy) made a presentation for the Wayne County Criminal Defense Bar.  Michaud had said out of the crime labs’ $60 million budget, 40 percent was spent on testing marijuana.   He said this caseload volume impeded their work on investigating other cases, specifically testing rape kits statewide.

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Read the lawsuit in full here.


Attorneys accuse Michigan State Police of conflict of interest over breathalyzer probe

Michigan defense attorneys who deal with driving under the influence (DUI) cases say their phones are ringing off the hook.

The calls are from clients wondering whether their drunk driving cases might be affected by a bombshell announcement made last week by the Michigan State Police

Farmington Hills-based defense attorney Michael Komorn specializes in DUI and cannabis cases. He says an independent investigation would also help with the question of what happens to the countless DUI cases that might be affected by this.

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Michigan’s Medical Marihuana Confusion

Amanda celebrated her 22nd birthday, a milestone her mother Diane wasn’t sure she would reach.

“U of M hospital says they couldn’t do anything for her. She was on hospice, then she started losing the weight. She got down to 51 pounds at 21,” her mother said.

Amanda was diagnosed with Retts Syndrome. To control Amanda’s seizures, her doctor prescribed prescription drug after prescription drug, but nothing appeared to work – that is, until her mother tried medical marihuana as a last ditch effort to save her daughter’s life.

“She had edible cookie. Within 45 minutes, she had appetite back. She’s been eating since. Her daytime seizures quit, seizure-free for nine months,” her Mother said.

Since then, Amanda is more alert, relaxed, and has even gone back to school. Her weight has improved, too. She now weighs 95 pounds.

A victory for Oakland County Defense Attorney Michael Komorn, who says the law protects who it’s suppose to.

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Defense attorneys say drivers should refuse Michigan’s new roadside drug tests

Multiple defense attorneys say they would advise their clients refuse Michigan’s new statewide roadside drug tests. They’re too untrustworthy, they say.

The penalty for refusing the test is a civil infraction, the fine for which varies by community, but it’s a better option than having unreliable results used to prosecute you in court, said Michael Komorn, a Farmington Hills-based drugged- and drunk-driving attorney, who also specializes in marijuana law.

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Farmington Hills, MI 48334